Whoa! It is already September! Goodness this year has flown by me this year. I haven’t been around much due to pregnancy, labor, delivery and after baby born issues this year. I have been helping people through email and messages though. I am happy to be back, getting back on track and into my regular routines. How about you? Have you kept up with your own goals?
So, it is September, let’s get started this fall with the right habits. Before you know it the holidays will be here and I do not agree with – “Hey it’s the holidays, let’s get fit and eat healthy.” I do not promote this in any way. Being fit and eating well to keep a Tuned Up Body all year round is what will keep you in line with all of your goals, this is what I promote. How you nourish your body and how active your body is allows you to reach more than just your health goals. It gives you more energy, endurance and creates an atmosphere that says “I Will Do This!” in everything you need to do daily.
When your not nourishing your body properly and not staying active you quickly forget things, stay sluggish and will always have the “I don’ts and the I can’ts”. So, I want to help you get better at nourishing your body properly and staying active with accountability. I used to do this 30 Day Squat Challenge mainly through my personal Facebook profile, but I am officially moving it here. It is easier for you to find here. Now, if you really want to get some extra support in this type of challenge, join me and the full challenge Brazilian Butt Lift.
The September Squat Challenge! This challenge will have two versions. I will post a beginner squat set and an advanced squat set. This will allow you to do either one, depending on your comfort and ability level. It will start off slow, and we will work our way up to higher squat numbers. For more of a challenge use weights, and yes placing your child into a safe carrier works as well.
[tweetthis]Join the 30 Day Squat Challenge with #TunedUpBody[/tweetthis]
Here is how to do a basic squat:
Stand erect with your feet approximately one shoulder width apart.
- From there, you can widen or narrow your stance depending on which muscles you are targeting — a wider stance works the hamstrings and glutes, while a narrower stance works the quads.
- Point your toes slightly outwards, as this helps to stabilize your stance.
- Keep your arms extended in front of you.
Push your hips back, slowly bending your knees to a 90 degree angle.
- Rather than squatting straight down, you want to hinge your hips so that your butt moves backwards, almost as if you were sitting in an invisible chair.
- Keep bending until your hamstrings are parallel with the floor. Your knees shouldn’t extend beyond the tips of your toes, unless you are very tall.
- Your body weight should be concentrated on your heels rather than on your toes. This will allow you to squat deeper.
Keep your back straight and eyes looking ahead.
- It is very important to keep your back straight while squatting, otherwise you could put unnecessary pressure on the spine which could lead to a pulled muscle or a herniated disc.
- Keeping your chest up and your eyes pointing straight ahead will help you to keep your back straight as you squat. Also try to keep your stomach muscles engaged as you perform the exercise.
Slowly rise to starting position.
- Pause for a moment at the bottom of the squat, then slowly rise back to your starting position. Keep your back straight and push up from your heels.
- Squeeze your glutes in tight when you reach the top of the squat.
Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way back up.
- Breathing deeply is very important when squatting heavy weights, otherwise you can become dizzy, nauseous or even black out.
- Take a deep breath in as you squat down and exhale powerfully as you rise up. Maintaining this breathing pattern will give you the energy you need to keep going.
- If you’re pushing yourself to get another few repetitions, don’t be afraid to pause between repetitions to take a couple of deep breaths.
Grab the photos then post them daily with the hashtag #TunedUpBody so we can hold our-self and each other accountable. Comment below with your @name and where (IG, FB) so I can follow you and cheer you on.