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Easy daily exercise routines

Start your exercise routines off slow and build them up. Welcome to Day 1 of the 3 Day Refresh, this is an easy way to get started on a better lifestyle, adding healthier meals and easy to do exercise routines. These routines do not require you to head to the gym, spend hours doing it or require lots of exercise equipment. Though as time goes on as they get easy for you to do, it is best to start adding in some type of weights. You can buy them, use the ones at the gym or even find household items to help add weight.

It is Day 1 of the 3 Day Refresh program. Take your pictures, measurements and weight. Add this to your health and fitness journal. You can share this with us in the Facebook group as well.

[tweetthis]Starting my 3 Day Refresh, motivate me! http://bit.ly/1wz6wkz #TunedUpBody[/tweetthis]

#TunedUpBody Challenge easy fitness routines, yet fully effective

First thing to address every single day: Drinking 1 full cup of water within the 1st half hour of waking up sets up the stage for promoting better health, digestion and yes – even Energy!

Exercising doesn’t need to be hard, take long or be super intense. You can easily get this done in thirty to forty minutes. You can even break it up during the day, like start off the day with pilates, then later in between your tasks do one set of  the exercise routine, like the nine triceps dips, then go and cross on your next to do item on your task list. I have done this many times, doing one exercise type, then go do a phone chat with a client, then do another exercise type then go play a game with one of the children, I can even do some exercises while sitting down nursing my baby!

Eat more veggies

Eat more veggies

Here is Day 1, complete this set one to three times, depending on your time, energy and level of fitness. Add in weights slowly -if you choose to, and wait at least 2 weeks before increasing weights. I will be adding in videos of how to do each along with modifications for your safety and well being.

If you are just starting out with any type of routines, please always do these first!

  • Get permission from your Doctor, yes please share this site with them, so they know what type of routines you may be doing. They are the best person to talk to to ensure you can do any type of exercises. They will be able to tell you which ones you can, should or not even do. 
  • Always stretch before and after. I do Pilates first, usually for 20 minutes to an hour hour before any routines. After the routines I do 20 minutes to an hour of yoga. It depends on my time and what I have going on that day. 
  • Drink at least 1/2 gallon of water per day, when exercising, you may find yourself drinking up to a full gallon of water, please do and never deprive your body of water intake. 
  • Take 30 seconds up to 2 minutes between each exercise. 

[tweetthis]Day 1 of the refresh completed! http://bit.ly/1wz6wkz #TunedUpBody[/tweetthis] 

Join the Facebook group if you like too. 

Comment below telling us that you are done and let us know about your accomplishments in all things health, wellness and fitness.

Being FIT satisfies life

Being FIT satisfies life

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Beverley Golden
9 years ago

Visiting Florida now and I have been loving walking barefoot on the beach for 40 minutes to an hour everyday. Amazingly satisfying and toning for the whole body actually. This looks great for those who are looking for variety and some intensity. Thanks for sharing!

Lorii Abela
9 years ago

Thanks for sharing this amazing article. Great tips!

9 years ago

Yeah I need to get my butt moving and fast. Great tips

9 years ago

This is a wonderful program! I never thought about drinking water first thing in the morning (I usually wait about 90 minutes after I’m up) but I’m going to change that habit immediately! Thanks!

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