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Basic Witch Costume How To

What is more fun than being a witch for Halloween? Well, of course making a mess .. I mean making the costume ourself right! Mom, you are so busy with making sure the kids are all set, how about giving these simple instructions for a witch costume to the kids to make on their own, of course with your supervision and guidance.

Letting your child make their own costume isn’t just fun for them, it frees up your own time too. Ok, ok had to put that in there, but it actually teaches your child many things too.

  • How to follow instructions. Best Life Skill Ever!
  • Get creative, though there are instructions, they can use it as more of a general guide and put their own spin on it.
  • Fine and gross motor skills. Things like cutting, gluing even painting.

– Just to name a few.

How to Make Your Own Witch Costume for Halloween

Children love to dress up during Halloween. And if you still love to dress up, mine do it all year long. The following information will give you ideas on how to make a great Halloween costume with items you probably already have in your home.

Witches are a part of history both in the United States and around the world. While Hollywood has given us different images of witches, historical drawings show them wearing pointy black hats and black flowing gowns. They may also wear a cape of some type.

Since the stereotypical image of a witch is as described above, these directions will explain how to create that type of costume. Here are the items you’ll need to create a pointy hat:

Black paint and paint brush
Black ribbon

Make a cone from the newspaper. After you’re sure the cone will fit your head, tape the edges both inside and out to help the cone maintain its shape.

  1. Place the cone you’ve created on the cardboard. Trace around the outside of the cone to mark where your head will go. Then draw another circle, 4 to 5 inches wider, to create the brim. Carefully cut both of these out.
  2. Push the cone into the center and tape it to the brim. For added stability, tape the cone on top and underneath to secure the brim to the cone. Finish the witch’s hat by painting it black and adding a black ribbon to cover the seam.

For the rest of the costume you can wear black clothing. A skirt or dress with ragged edges can be used, along with a long-sleeved black shirt and black cape. Pointy-toed boots and dark stockings will complete the clothing part of the costume.

Don’t forget that make-up makes a woman or a witch. Use temporary gray dye or powder in your hair to make you look older. Make a pointy nose out of clay and use make-up to create a greenish complexion. Black out one or more teeth and you’re set to give other party-goers or trick-or-treaters a toothy grin.

Some witches have been shown having a large wart or mole. To create one of these, you can use an eyeliner pencil to draw it on either your nose or your chin. This will complete your costume.

Once you know how to make your own witch costume for Halloween it may give you the confidence you need to make other costumes in the future. You can also use these tips to create costumes all year round. Here are some witch printables too. witch


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